What is the process of saving your laptop battery?

What is the process of saving your laptop battery?

A Genuine Asus Battery has a design that allows the laptop to last for years. But this will only happen when you use your laptop battery properly over time. This guide will go over some of the best processes to save your laptop battery.

Reduce the brightness and sound

We love to play music while we work, and some laptops come with some lovely speakers like the Dr. Dre inbuilt speakers that give you a lovely sound. Because of the clarity of the sound from the computer, you may not want to use headphones for movies and music. However, this sound coming from the speakers has a direct effect on the lifespan and durability of the laptop. You can reduce the speaker optimally, especially when necessary.

Also, laptop brightness is there to help you set up your laptop when you are in outer space. When using the laptop outside, there is a lot of light, and the laptop brightness will come in handy. But when in a darker location, that brightness will be too much. It is not safe for your eyes, and neither is it great for the laptop battery. Hence, it is better to put that laptop battery off.

Turn your laptop to sleep when you're not using it

A common mistake we make that affects our laptop batteries is not putting them off when we are not using them. You have options when your laptop is not in use. You can shut it down, hibernate, or sleep on the computer. Shutting it down puts it off, and you may have to start off the laptop every day. Hibernate means the laptop is still very much in use, but the screen is off. You will get the screen of what you were working on, though. The sleep button allows you to retain the last project you worked on, but this time the laptop and battery go to sleep, so it is safer.

Turn on the power saver option

Every laptop from a good brand like Hp has a power saver option on the computer. This is a prepared software that limits the use of the laptop in a bid to save the laptop battery. The power saver feature of some laptops may turn off Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, so you will need to turn them on manually when you want to use them. Also, it may remove applications that are not currently in use.


From students to parents to pastors and many more, everyone has a laptop. There are different reasons for using the computer, but one thing is sure: no laptop can work without its battery. The battery may be the most neglected part of the laptop by the users, but in reality, the battery is very important. We never know how vital the laptop battery is until the laptop develops a battery fault. It is at that time we will start the search for a replacement battery. This guide has discussed some steps to saving your laptop battery to avoid any damage. These steps are vital because you can never get the same quality of laptop battery you get with a new replacement.